
Property Tax Bills Must Be Paid by Monday

Property owners must pay the second installments of their tax bills by Monday or incur a 10% penalty.

Installments must be paid by 5 p.m. Monday to avoid being delinquent, County Assessor Rick Auerbach said. Payments are required even if property owners have not yet received a bill, he said.

If tax bills still are not paid by July 1, additional fines will be charged, said assistant tax collector Dave Collins.


Owners are encouraged to pay their bills by mail, Collins said. Bills may also be paid in person on the first floor of the Hall of Administration, 225 N. Hill St., in downtown Los Angeles.

Substitute tax bills are available at the assessor’s regional offices at 6640 Van Nuys Blvd. in Van Nuys, (818) 901-3404; 9121 Oakdale Ave., Suite 200 in Chatsworth, (818) 701-4311; 251 E. Ave. K-6 in Lancaster, (661) 940-6700; and 25050 Peachland Ave. in Valencia, (661) 254-9550.
