
Workers Need Fewer Perks, More Time

* I could not help but respond to “Perking Up Pooped-Out Workers” [Careers special section, March 27] regarding the myriad products, perks and programs to help employees manage this sorry fact: They have no time to be at home.

While I appreciate the sincerity that employers put into these efforts, they are, nevertheless, misplaced.

The same money that gets spent on solving the problem could just as easily get spent on eliminating it: Send these people home.


Let them get their lives and their families back. Let them do their own parenting. There is no substitute for parents and spouses at home, managing their affairs.

Rather, businesses should look to part-time work, job-sharing or working at home as ways to get enough work hours out of the marketplace, but still leave individuals the time to manage their own lives.

Not to mention aggressive efforts to redesign, manage and make the work flow fit the time necessary and available to the work force. Necessity is the finest mother of all invention.



