
Adopting Parents Get a Break on Air Fares

Airlines have long offered “bereavement fares”--discounts for families of the deceased. Now Northwest Airlines is offering “adoption fares”--discounts for people traveling overseas to pick up newly adopted children.

Such trips must often be made on short notice, ruling out cheaper advance-purchase fares. Northwest’s adoption fares are 65% off full coach fares for adults; the one-way child’s fare is also discounted. As an example, full-fare round-trip adult coach between Los Angeles and Hong Kong is $2,301; with the adoption discount, it’s $805. That’s even cheaper than the 21-day advance purchase fare of $974. The one-way child’s full fare is $731 versus $403 with the discount. Fares may vary by date, of course.

As with bereavement fares, those seeking adoption fares must document their need. See a travel agent or call (800) 322-4162.
