
a made-for-tee-hee movie

Concept! Premiere of “Best Actress,” E! Entertainment’s first self-produced made-for-TV film, at the Paramount Studios lot.


The True Hollywood Story! “All of these characters are made up,” announces E! hostess Jules Asner before the screening. “Any likeness to any real, actual actress is purely coincidental.” Many more of these tee-hee Hollywood in-jokes follow in the film, 94 minutes of camp about five actresses vying for the coveted Oscar. “What was really fun was that the character had something at stake and actually makes a transformation,” says Elisa Donovan of her portrayal of a closeted lesbian thespian. “What is exciting to an actor is when you make a serious emotional internal intrinsic change.” Sartorially, Rachel Hunter merges with her role as cinema’s classy Brit. “I’m being very patriotic,” says the native New Zealander, clad in a Dolce & Gabbana Union Jack T-shirt. “Well, to my character, anyway.” For co-star Maria Conchita Alonso, showing up is all part of a day’s work. “I like to come and see my job,” she says. “There are some actors who like to see themselves. I do. But after this, I’m going home.”


The Raves! “I didn’t see the movie, but I thought it could have been very good, maybe,” says “Saturday Night Live” alum Kevin Nealon, who nevertheless arrives in time for the free food at the after-party on Sound Stage 23. An even stronger draw is the Moby concert (with warm-up act Bif Naked, who says her big thrill is seeing Nealon). Indeed, except for the cast (“I got three kids, what do I know from Moby?” asks lead actor Thomas Calabro. “I listen to Barney songs”) and network personalities Asner and Steve Kmetko, the celebs who do show up blow off the E! oeuvre. “I just came from work,” says “American Beauty” Thora Birch. “I’m really here for Moby.” Indeed, his energetic performance in such an intimate venue gets the normally schmoozy crowd on its feet--a welcome surprise to the diminutive techno composer. “Industry/showbiz parties can sometimes be disastrous,” Moby says. “If people respond at all, that makes me very happy.”



what’s the score?

CELEB QUOTIENT: The A-list is invited, but the turnout is closer to E!-list.

WOW FACTOR: Intimate venue for Bif Naked and Moby sets. Even if you had to sit through the screening first, it beats waiting in line at the Viper Room.

CHOW LINE: Beef brochettes, grilled veggies, focaccia, baked brie--your typical trattoria fare, but at least culled from all major food groups.
