
Web Cam Traveling


In the Internet world, there’s been an explosion in the number of digital Web cameras, those electronic eyes that give users a peek at a potential vacation destination or provide a momentary digital escape from the workaday world.

Quality varies dramatically from high-resolution, real-time images that make you feel as though you could be there to grainy, almost unidentifiable images updated so infrequently that they may as well be still photographs. With that caveat, here are some travel sites worthy of bookmarking.

Africam, A place to watch exotic animals in their natural environment, from cameras trained on spots in several national parks in South Africa, including Kruger, and game reserves, such as Satara.

Advertisement, Click on Live Cams. The best site I found in quality and range of subjects. The site, featuring mostly creatures, from ants to cheetahs to kittens and puppies, is well organized and easy to navigate, transmitting live video and audio of wild bald eagles gathering on Kachemak Bay near Homer, Alaska, between noon and 2 p.m. Pacific Time. It entertains as it educates with facts about the creature you are watching. The site also has a directory of Web cams that will link you to other sites.

Exploratorium, Perched atop San Francisco’s Exploratorium science center, the Roof Cam camera pans eight preset locations, giving a virtual tourist a sense of the City by the Bay with images of the Golden Gate Bridge and the Palace Rotunda, among others.

Kotel Kam, From comes a long view of the Western Wall in Jerusalem, giving a fascinating glimpse into tradition and culture at the religious icon for Jews.


National Parks Service, It’s the closest thing to being in Yellowstone National Park. With the Parks Service beaming a real-time image (updated every 30 seconds) of Old Faithful, you can watch the geyser erupt every few minutes.

Panda Central,; click on Panda Central: The stars of this live cam show are the San Diego Zoo’s three pandas, including mom Bai Yun and baby Hua Mei. The pandas spend most of their on-camera time sleeping in a tree, but they are so appealing that even their snoozing is entertaining.

Princess Cruises, Click on Live Bridge Cams. The Web site for Princess Cruise Lines offers cam views (updated every minute) from the bridge and decks of 10 ships in its fleet, so you can check out the view from the bridge as if you were onboard.


Earthcam, The mother lode of Web cam information, offering a searchable database, lists divided by categories and links to Web cam sites. It offers its own list of 25 of the most interesting cams selected by a panel of Internet industry experts and top 10 picks for kids. Links range from cams focused on Bourbon Street in New Orleans to a peek at the Kremlin in Moscow.

Eyecam, From GoCrawl.Com Inc., this is a searchable database of Web camera sites and sights. With links and lists divided by categories, it gives a range of travel-related sites.

Leonard’s Cam World, The site has links to outdoor cameras globally, from Japan to the Arctic, including California.
