
Court Wins Award for Self-Help Center

Ventura County Superior Court has won a national award for its Mobile Self-Help Center, a converted mobile home that travels the county offering free information on the courts and legal services.

The National Assn. for Court Management will present its Justice Achievement Award to Sheila Gonzalez, executive officer of the court, during a conference next week in Atlanta.

The county’s mobile center was launched in November to improve access to the justice system for people in outlying areas.


The center is housed in a custom-built motor home that, like a bookmobile, makes scheduled stops in various communities. It also is available upon request to visit schools and other public gathering places.

“Bringing court information and assistance to people will help ensure access for segments of our population, particularly the poor, disenfranchised and underrepresented,” said Jeanne Caughell, deputy executive court officer.
