
BEST BETS Thursday 8/17

8pm Dance

You can think of it as Dance Kaleidoscope in toe shoes, but BalletFest 2000 wants to be more than just another affirmation of Southland diversity. Over three nights--with related screenings and other satellite events--this new performance series showcases California’s home-grown classical ensembles to emphasize the creativity and excellence that star-obsessed local audiences often ignore. On Thursday, Inland Pacific Ballet and Pasadena Dance Theatre share the program. On Friday, watch for the Diablo Ballet, the Francisco Martinez DanceTheatre and State Street Ballet. On Saturday, Diablo returns, splitting the evening with Los Angeles Chamber Ballet. And, believe it or not, nobody will be dancing “The Nutcracker.”

* BalletFest 2000, Luckman Fine Arts Complex, Cal State L.A., 5151 State University Drive, intersection of the 10 and 710 freeways. 8 p.m. Also Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m. (different programs). $20 to $25. (323) 343-6600.


Pop Music

Alanis Morissette caps her the One Tour with a special acoustic performance at the Museum of Tolerance. The concert will include a question-and-answer session and a multimedia presentation about the tour, which visited areas where rockers rarely tread, such as Croatia, Turkey and Lebanon.


* Alanis Morissette, Museum of Tolerance, 9786 W. Pico Blvd., West L.A. 7:30 p.m. Limited tickets distributed on, and by auction at Amazon Auctions, (310) 553-8403.

8 & 9:30pm


Fresh off being named trombonist of the year in Down Beat magazine’s annual critics poll, Steve Turre has his quartet, featuring bassist Buster Williams, in town for a multinight run. Look for Turre to also display his ability on the conch shells--a talent that made him runner-up in Down Beat’s miscellaneous instrument category.

* The Steve Turre Quartet, Jazz Bakery, 3233 Helms Ave., Culver City. Tonight through Saturday at 8 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., Sunday at 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. $20 tonight, $22 Friday through Sunday. (310) 271-9039.




Mexican conductor Enrique Diemecke leads music by Buxtehude-Chavez, Revueltas, Rodrigo, Falla, Marquez and Ravel when he presides over the Los Angeles Philharmonic’s “A Latin Fiesta” at the Hollywood Bowl. The soloist is guitarist Manuel Barrueco, who plays Rodrigo’s popular “Concierto de Aranjuez.”

* “A Latin Fiesta” at Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N. Highland Ave., Hollywood. 8:30 p.m. $1 to $83. (323) 850-2000.


See Charlie Chaplin’s “Modern Times” under the stars at the “The Best of . . .” Summer Film Series, One Colorado, 24 E. Union St., Pasadena. Also, Friday: “American Graffiti.” Saturday: “Tootsie.” Next weekend: “Vertigo,” “Chariots of Fire” and “Driving Miss Daisy.” All screenings at 8 p.m. (626) 564-1066.
