

“I’m really sad that my party is not standing up to stop these sanctions in Iraq that are killing children. I’m not sure I’m going to vote for my party.”

MARY BERNIER, Quit her job four times to work for the Democratic Party


“Being the first Orthodox Jew on a ticket, do you think it opens up doors for other minorities?”

AARON GRANT, 12, student reporter for Scholastic News, sharing the question he asked Joseph I. Lieberman



“I have great hope that we are going to carry Mississippi as well as the country, and our next president will be Al Gore.”

DR. BALWANT SING, Mississippi delegate


“I am in Los Angeles to support Al Gore and his environmental stands. He cares about the future of our very diverse society.”

MARGO McNABB, delegate from Ames, Iowa


“I’m here to make interesting pictures of interesting faces.”

EDDIE ADAMS, Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer


“My grandfather took the picture of President Kennedy shaking hands with Clinton, when Clinton was a boy. That’s the picture that Clinton says made him want to be president.”


JONATHAN SACHS, 12, a film runner who is the third generation in his family to cover national conventions.”


“Are you going to eat that last Krispy Kreme?”

OLIVER, Guide dog in Los Angeles to help his handler with a Web site for the disabled (


“I’m here because this is the most fateful election in my political lifetime, and I want to make sure I do my small share to help America make the right decision to keep moving ahead.”


MICHIGAN REP. SANDER M. LEVIN, 12th Congressional District, senior member of the Ways and Means Committee


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