
‘Wedding’ Bouquet

I guess you could call me a Tony and Tina groupie, having seen “Tony n’ Tina’s Wedding” 3 1/2 times (“Here to Support the Bride and Groom,” by Scarlet Cheng, Dec. 3).

The first time, back in 1988, it was already a smash hit and we three women on the town in New York were determined to see it. Having been told that it was sold out, we showed up at the church down in the Village anyway (with a wrapped gift) but were still turned away. Undaunted, we begged and pleaded until the guy at the box office (probably from sheer exhaustion) agreed to let us in for free, but only for the first act, or the ceremony. He admonished us to not try to get into the reception.

We were all so grateful for his generosity that we, indeed, saw only the first act that night. Two of us returned again some months later to see it in its entirety. Of course, no two shows are alike, so naturally I returned the following year with my husband, eager to share what I regarded as the most hilarious and cleverly conceived play that I had ever seen.


The evening that my husband and I attended was made that much funnier by the presence of a Japanese couple at our table. They spoke not a word of English and didn’t stay long.

We wondered how in the world they had found their way to this particular play, which I considered (until reading the Calendar article) untranslatable. It could only have been a practical-joking concierge.


Woodland Hills
