
Property Taxes Are Due Today

Haven’t paid your property taxes yet? You can still get your payment in under the wire.

Because the Dec. 10 deadline fell on a Sunday, people can line up today to make last-minute payments in person in Santa Ana or mail in the check, as long as the envelope is postmarked by Dec. 11.

Missing the deadline is costly--a 10% penalty, said John M.W. Moorlach, Orange County’s treasurer-tax collector.

Moorlach’s office said the U.S. Postal Service is giving folks a break, agreeing to postmark payments until 11 tonight at the post office at 3101 Sunflower Ave., Santa Ana.


Property owners who prefer to pay in person can do so from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Hall of Finance and Records, 12 Civic Center Plaza, Room G-58, Santa Ana.

Credit card payments may be made by calling (714) 834-3411.

Information is available online by e-mailing Moorlach’s office at ttcinfo@treas --DAVID REYES
