
Forum to Discuss Proposals for Marina del Rey

Urban planners, preservationists and land use experts will discuss proposals that could change the face of Marina del Rey by making it a more animated urban environment. The panel will be presented Friday by the Westside Urban Forum. The event is scheduled for 7 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. at the Riviera Club at 1250 Capri Drive in Pacific Palisades. The panel will be moderated by architect William H. Fain Jr. of Johnson Fain Partners, with panelists Roger Mollere, senior real property agent for the Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors; land use attorney Douglas R. Ring of Ring Group; and Marsha Rood, community development director for Culver City. The event is $50 for nonmembers. For information and registration, call (310) 394-0253.
