
Parents Abdicated Responsibility

* Re “Parents Sue Care Center Over Playground Death,” Jan. 27:

There is no arguing the tragedy that took place at the Costa Mesa preschool when Steven Allen Abrams ran his car through a fence and killed two children.

Now the parents of one of the children are filing a lawsuit against the school for failure to provide a safe environment for children.

As parents, we are responsible for our children’s safety. Didn’t these parents check over the preschool prior to enrolling their son? When I enrolled my children in preschool, I evaluated several schools for their programs and their locations. At some point, parents must take responsibility for the environments we place our children in.


To come back after this tragedy and place blame on the school, in my opinion, is sidestepping their responsibility as parents.



* I was sickened when Steven Abrams drove his car into the Southcoast Early Childhood Learning Center, but now I’m disgusted that the parents of one child who was killed are suing the preschool.

As if a preschool is responsible for the actions of a lunatic!

If it was so obvious that more safeguards were needed, then those parents should be sued for child endangerment because they willingly took their kids to such an unsafe facility.




* It’s a shame what happened to the children and what the parents have gone through. But to drag the owner down with the jerk that purposely did the senseless act is worse.

The parents, if they really cared about their child’s safety, would have had one of them stay at home and protect the kid there.

Even that would have been no guarantee of the kid’s safety. Let’s all face it: We face danger in everything we do.


The parents saw how close the street was to the kids and still left them there, so whose fault is that?

Life is not fair. Move on and grow. I pray that these bloodsucking lawyers and senseless lawsuits go away!


Lake Forest

* With all the pathetic lawsuits these days, and the lawyers associated with each case, we’ve become used to people who see the death of a relative as their chance at the lottery.

So what are Brandon Wiener’s parents going to get by suing the Southcoast Early Childhood Learning Center? A Mercedes? A house in Newport Coast? A luxury vacation to the Cayman Islands?

They abdicated their responsibility to care for their child. They turned that responsibility over to the day-care center so they could have the luxuries provided by two incomes.

They weren’t there when their child was killed, which is tragic, but it is a choice they made. No one could have predicted, or ever stopped, what occurred there. To attempt to capitalize on this tragic event is revolting.


The employees at the center will be scarred for life by what happened there. It’s shameful that they will now be further traumatized by this lawsuit.


Yorba Linda
