
Offbeat Visions of 1999

Welcome to our New Year’s Day Parade of Strange Signs, Billboards, Ads, and Letters from Friends of Bill.

PANHANDLER AREA? Brian Fairlee of Woodland Hills reported a “BUM” sighting. A prankster’s alteration? Or perhaps a commentary on the local pro sports teams.

SERVED BY 10,000 WAITERS? One of the more colorful food items received here was an egg dish we’ve all seen at picnics.


SOMETHING TO GET THE JUICES FLOWING: Robbie Reynolds of West L.A. photographed some unappetizing directions.

HEY! NO PROBLEM! A restaurant at UC Irvine received no complaints about the notice, which was snapped by Dan Avila.

DO THEY INOCULATE YOU FIRST? Edith Zittler noticed a queasy egg dish.

UNCLEAR ON THE CONCEPT: A fund-raising letter that Monica Lewinsky’s father received from the Clinton Legal Expense Trust understandably struck him as moronic. Lewinsky had received a previous appeal from the Democrats that pictured Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with the words, “Thank you for your understanding for the last year.”


HI, MISS, I’M YOUR WAITER. WOULD YOU TAKE OFF YOUR TOP? Scott Woods of West Hollywood spotted a juxtaposition of signs that had created what could be the world’s most annoying server.

AT THAT PRICE IT SHOULD AT LEAST BE GOLD-PLATED: How hot was real estate in the Southland this year? Bob Elliott of Newport Beach found that a post office box in his city had been the subject of heavy bidding.

ATTENTION LOONIES: In Vancouver, H.J. Loether came upon a reference to $1 coins.

LE HOT JAZZ! A typo in a church ad implied that a service would be R-rated. No doubt it caught Howard Stern’s eye.


FLEEING L.A.: Sheila Seaton noticed a feathery stowaway atop the “Exit . . . Sortie” sign inside an Air Canada jet.
