
Teachers Receive Classroom Grants

More than 30 teachers throughout the Ventura Unified School District got surprise visits--and money--at their classrooms Monday.

School district Trustees Debbie Golden and Velma Lomax, along with a group of Ventura Education Partnership board members and representatives from Wells Fargo Bank and Ventura County Schools Federal Credit Union, informed teachers that their grant requests had been selected. They did it by simply walking into the classrooms and presenting teachers with balloons and grant checks.

Aleta Lepper, one of four grant recipients at Lincoln Elementary School, received a $500 grant to purchase materials for students who are two or more grade levels behind in reading.


“The grant will purchase high-interest, low-level readability books to be used with fourth- and fifth-grade struggling readers,” Lepper said.

Mildred Miller, the partnership’s mini-grant committee chairwoman, lauded the teachers for their efforts to educate their students.

“It may not be a million dollars, but the mini-grant does give a teacher the ability to purchase some needed equipment or supplies to enhance their classroom’s programs,” Miller said.


Lisa Nichols, a kindergarten teacher at Lincoln School, received a $500 grant to upgrade equipment in her classroom.

“This grant will provide funds to purchase a kitchen set, which will provide students with an environment that allows positive role-playing and imaginative house play,” Nichols said.

The awards, given yearly for educational initiative, are funded by private and corporate donations. To receive them, teachers submit their plan and goals, which are evaluated by a committee from Ventura Education Partnership.
