
Financial Planner

Checklist: College Planning

January is a key month for college-bound seniors and returning college students who need financial aid.

4 Today: If you’re hoping for financial aid, it’s time to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It’s important not to miss school deadlines, typically in early February, for submitting the form; the earlier you file, the better, because some schools are on a first-come, first-served basis. Forms are available from high school counselors, college financial aid offices, on the Web at or by phone at (800) 433-3243.

4 Saturday: Financial aid forms typically require that you include the tax return that’s due April 15, but you can’t wait until that late to file the FAFSA. Your best bet is to get your taxes done early, even if you don’t mail them to the IRS until later. If you can’t complete your return, use your best estimates; you can correct the information later if you are off by a substantial amount.


4 Sunday: Some schools use what’s called a Profile form to gather supplementary data to determine financial aid awards. If your school requires it, you can get a Profile form from high school counselors, college financial aid offices, on the Web at or by phone at (800) 778-6888. For help in filling out this and other financial aid forms, see a college guide such as “Financing College” by Kristin Davis ($17.95, Kiplinger Books).
