
Abiding the Law

* Re “Unofficially He’s a Good Citizen; Legally He’s Out,” Dec. 17:

Columnist Dana Parsons doesn’t seem to understand the reasons why we should obey the law. Yes, Walter Hernandez was a good citizen. So was Sara Jane Olson. But they were both breaking the law.

It is true that Hernandez didn’t try to blow up any police patrol cars, but he was breaking the law. He should not have done so. Now he will get a new chance.

Most illegal immigrants are good “citizens” who don’t do anything more than work and go to school. They do pay taxes, despite what some folks say.


I have nothing against them, but they are here illegally, and if they get caught, then “home” they go. If you don’t like this, change the law. But don’t try to make breaking the law OK. It is unfair to those people who don’t break the law.


La Habra
