
Pilots Take Off on Airport Director at Supervisors Meeting


Local pilots aired long-standing beefs with the county’s airport director before the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, saying he typifies the leadership that has fostered the financial troubles the county now faces.

Many fliers said they are “mad as hell” about the way Director Rod Murphy has run the airport system since his hiring in 1994, said Robert Fowler, president of the Camarillo Airport Hangar Owners Assn.

Fowler charged that there has been a lack of oversight and uncontrolled spending with no records or accountability, and accused Murphy of squandering much of his annual $3-million operating budget on consultants, out-of-town conferences, expense account meals and salary increases.


Fowler asked supervisors to require a full accounting of airport funds and spending, and called for them to extend a county hiring freeze imposed this month on the Department of Airports. Some members of the association have even called for Murphy’s dismissal.

Murphy later defended his leadership, saying he would be happy to open his books to supervisors. He suggested that the real sources of discontent are recent hikes in hangar rental rates and disagreements over airport expansion plans.

“We have nothing to hide, and we’re doing what we believe is right,” he said.

A hiring freeze would not save taxpayers any money, Murphy noted, because his department does not receive any from the county’s general fund--which faces a projected $5-million deficit this year.


His department’s $4-million construction budget is funded by federal and state money, and a $3-million operating budget comes from fees paid by those who use the airport, such as pilots who store planes there.

Supervisors took no action on the critics’ recommendations. But after the meeting, Supervisor Kathy Long defended Murphy as running a financially sound operation and suggested that the pilots are just venting long-held frustrations.

“You’re not going to make all the people happy all the time,” Long said.

Shortly after three pilots spoke to the board, supervisors gave quick approval to a five-year, $10.5-million spending plan that Murphy is preparing to submit to the Federal Aviation Administration. Projects include improving drainage at Camarillo Airport and repairing taxiways at Oxnard Airport.


But Supervisors John K. Flynn and Frank Schillo urged Murphy to try to improve his relations with disgruntled airport clients. They recommended more public workshops on spending plans, as well as a streamlined budget process that explains revenues and expenditures in a simpler fashion. Flynn also suggested that Murphy use his staff more often, rather than consultants.

Murphy’s staff of 32 operates airports in Camarillo and Oxnard. The department is leasing 416 standard airplane hangars, eight large hangars, 178 outside parking spaces for planes, and space for flight schools, offices and storage.

In other action, the board authorized the payment of $1 million in unanticipated costs to provide housing for county residents with serious mental illnesses. Many of them are housed outside the county because of a lack of appropriate housing locally.

Also, in a 3-1 vote, supervisors passed a resolution supporting Proposition 14, a statewide initiative on the March ballot that would provide bond money to beef up public libraries.

Supervisor Judy Mikels, who voted against the resolution, said that while libraries deserve more money, state lawmakers should cough up the funds rather than force taxpayers to absorb a new expense.

Supervisor Susan Lacey did not attend Tuesday’s meeting.
