
Discussion and Exhibition Focus on Spanish Civil War

A panel discussion on “A Study in Idealism: Americans in Spain’s Civil War (1936-39),” by Miriyam Glazer, Steven Lowenstein and Lois Oppenheim, will take place Feb. 13 at 2 p.m. at Gindi Auditorium on the University of Judaism’s Bel-Air campus, 15600 Mulholland Drive.

Funded in part by a grant from the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Los Angeles, the event is being held in conjunction with the exhibition “The Aura of the Cause: A Photo Album for North American Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War” in the campus’ Platt and Borstein galleries.

Robert Capa’s and other photographers’ works depicting the heroism of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in the 1930s continues through March.


The discussion by the professors is open to the public without charge.

Information: (310) 440-1282.
