
Student Attends Reading Summit

A 10-year-old Thousand Oaks girl was one of 15 elementary school students who met recently in Sacramento to raise awareness about reading.

Jamie Hendry took part in a one-day “Summer Reading Summit,” during which the group came up with ways to keep reading a top priority during the summer. The students talked about where to read, what to read and how to get parents involved in their children’s reading habits.

These are some of their recommendations:

Take books along on a trip. Read about a place you are going to visit. Visit the library once a week to check out new books. Pick a series of books to read this summer.


The summit was the culmination of the READ California campaign designed by Gov. Gray Davis to encourage children to read every day.

Jamie, who starts fifth grade at Lang Ranch Elementary School in the fall, finished her year as a California Page Flipper. As a student ambassador representing Ventura County, Jamie spent the year promoting reading in her local schools and throughout the state.
