
Honk If You Like Bumper Stickers

Re “Are We Seeing the Tail End of the Bumper Sticker Craze?” (June 25), I’ve always wondered why people would want to emblazon the rear-ends of their cars with their most profound political and ethical convictions or their most sacred beliefs, only to have them befouled by exhaust fumes and road grime. It seems somehow to trivialize the subjects they seek to affirm.

Perhaps, in a quest for safe anonymity, bumper stickers have been eschewed as too attention getting. After all, many fear even to make eye contact with other L.A. drivers lest they precipitate a shootout.

I’ll never forget, years ago, pulling up behind a car stopped at an intersection. The car was adorned with a bumper sticker that read, “Honk If You Love Jesus.” So I honked, and the driver flipped me off. Maybe that’s when I stopped believing in bumper stickers.



Long Beach
