
Governor’s Power Over Parole

The California parole board, under court order, was forced to grant Robert Rosenkrantz a release date from prison (June 1). But because of an initiative passed by California voters several years ago, Gov. Gray Davis may once again deny Rosenkrantz his freedom. When the citizens of California gave the governor the absolute power to take the law into his own hands, they created a dictator. The majority who voted for that proposition became the lynch mob. What they did was unbalance the checks and balances we have in our form of democracy.

Rosenkrantz, who met all eligibility requirements for parole four years ago, has become a political football. Democrats and Republicans felt they had to show that they were “law and order” people. It now seems to me that the only way Rosenkrantz will get out of prison is by having the U.S. Supreme Court rule that once again an initiative approved by the voters was unconstitutional. Meanwhile, a grave injustice is being perpetrated against all those who deserve to be paroled.


La Palma

* It is clear both former Gov. Pete Wilson and Davis used and are using taxpayers’ money to advance their own political interests. Chuck Quackenbush, move over.


The Legislature made a few homicides punishable by death or the equivalent of death--life without possibility of parole. So should we forget the Legislature and carry out Emperor Davis’ mandate that all prisoners in on a homicide must have life without possibility of parole?

The law says a life prisoner is entitled to a parole date unless the district attorney proves the prisoner is a present danger to the public. The U.S. Supreme Court says that prisoners are entitled to a fair hearing on parole matters. So should we forget the Supreme Court and the law and spend half a billion dollars to carry out Davis’ mandate, so Davis can look like a candidate more electable to higher office? I think not.


Los Osos
