

Representatives from the Children’s Museum at La Habra are hoping to meet with city officials next month to discuss a decade-old loan.

The Friends of the Museum, a nonprofit community organization that independently raises money for the children’s museum, owes the city about $71,000 from a $223,000 loan made in 1990. They are hoping city officials will forgive the remaining debt.

Ten years ago, the museum friends launched an expansion project to add 8,000 square feet--the structure running parallel with Euclid Street--with the help of grants, fund-raisers and a loan from the city.


Although most of the $625,000 project was covered by outside grants and donations, the city dedicated about $223,000 for the expansion. By 1995, the museum’s fund-raising organization had repaid more than half of the city loan, but since then payments have dropped off.
