
City Opposes Plan for Golf Course Road

City leaders may go to court to stop construction of an access road for a proposed golf course in Happy Camp Canyon Regional Park, officials said Thursday.

The developer of the 110-acre golf course wants to put an entrance at Campus Park Drive, just outside the Moorpark city limits.

But city officials say an entrance there would generate too much traffic around the city.

Court action is the only option for Moorpark, because the course is actually outside city limits and the Ventura County Board of Supervisors has the final say over its construction.


City officials said Campus Park Drive was not designed to hold the estimated 600 or so vehicles the golf course may draw, and vowed to do what they can to restrict access to it.

If the developer succeeds, Councilman Clint Harper said, it will hurt the residents who live on the street.

The city, he added, made the street narrow on purpose to limit “intensive recreational uses.”


The proposed $10-million golf course would include a clubhouse, cart barn, maintenance building, 30-stall driving range and a parking lot for 150 cars.
