
Medical Disciplinary Actions

The Medical Board of California licenses physicians and other medical professionals. It also investigates medical complaints and issues disciplinary actions. The most serious penalties include license revocation, suspension and probation.

These are the Los Angeles County physicians and surgeons who were subject to serious disciplinary actions between Feb. 1 and April 30, 2000, according to Medical Board documents. Generally final actions are published only after all appeals are exhausted.

Dr. David F. Casey, Bellflower: Requested a fellow physician to sign a certificate of disability of trustee/trustor to the effect that a patient was physically and/or mentally incapacitated and unable to handle her affairs, knowing the fellow physician had not conducted a good-faith examination. Disciplined via public letter of reprimand.* Effective April 26.


Dr. Dan Edward Dwyer, Glendale: Disciplined by Idaho Medical Board because of use of controlled substances and felony conviction for obtaining a controlled substance by fraud. License revoked. Effective April 12.

Dr. Robert Alan Fiddes, Whittier: Criminal conviction for conspiracy to commit the crime of knowingly and willingly making false statements regarding a material matter within the jurisdiction of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. License revoked. Effective March 15.

Dr. Robert M. Karns, Beverly Hills: Altered the hepatitis B laboratory test results of two professional boxers. Revocation of license stayed, three years’ probation. Effective April 24.


Dr. Rozalia Kovelman, West Hollywood: Criminal convictions for grand theft of personal property and subscribing to a false income tax return. Revocation of license stayed, license suspended for 30 days, five years’ probation. Effective March 27.

Dr. Cumaraswamy Krishnadasan, Lancaster: Left the operating room while a patient was under the influence of anesthesia. Disciplined via public letter of reprimand.* Effective Feb. 25.

Dr. Carlos Francisco Montoya, Huntington Park: Failed to properly document informed consent, medical findings and surgical repair in a patient’s medical records. Disciplined via public letter of reprimand.* Effective Feb. 1.


Dr. John G. Nork, Diamond Bar: Supervised three physician assistants without having been officially approved to do so. Disciplined via public letter of reprimand.* Effective April 7.

Dr. Daniel H. Oblitas, Duarte: Failed to diagnose, treat or follow nine patients with various illnesses. Revocation of license stayed, 30 months’ probation. Effective Feb. 7.

Dr. James Harmon Peace, Los Angeles: Failed to provide copies of medical records to a patient in a timely manner, and failed to maintain adequate and accurate medical records for three patients. Suspension of license stayed, four years’ probation. Effective Feb. 4.

Dr. Federico Godofredo Quevedo, Burbank: Signed a false certificate of non-relationship to act as a practice monitor for a physician on probation with the Medical Board. Disciplined via public reprimand.** Effective Feb. 28.

Dr. Brenda Jean Safranko, Los Angeles: Inability to practice medicine safely because of alcohol addiction. Revocation of license stayed, four years’ probation. Effective March 31.

Dr. Chander Prakash Sharma, Paramount: Committed repeated acts of negligence with respect to record keeping, and was convicted of trespassing. Revocation of license stayed, five years’ probation. Effective Feb. 3.


Dr. Barry Alan Smolev, Los Angeles: Violated terms and conditions of Medical Board probation; criminal convictions for leaving the scene of an accident and shoplifting; made false statements on a license renewal application in Arizona. Revocation of license stayed, five years’ probation. Effective March 20.

Dr. Arthur Harold Weintraub, Woodland Hills: Violated terms and conditions of Medical Board probation. License revoked. Effective March 22.

Dr. David Kwang Young, Reseda: Committed insurance fraud by billing for services rendered by a nonlicensed individual. Revocation of license stayed, five years’ probation. Effective March 9.

* A lesser form of discipline that can be negotiated for minor violations before or after the filing of formal charges (accusations). The licensee is chastised in the form of a letter that becomes a part of his or her public record.

** A public reprimand, another lesser form of discipline, is similar to a public letter of reprimand except that it must be the result of charges that are filed. The reprimand becomes a part of the doctor’s public record.

Note: Copies of the public record documents attendant to these cases are available at minimal cost by calling the Medical Board’s Central File Room at (916) 263-2525.


Source: Medical Board of California, Sacramento.
