
Coffers Loaded, Gore Expands His Campaign

From Associated Press

Vice President Al Gore has so much money left over in his campaign bank account that he is increasing his travel, opening campaign offices around the country and tripling his campaign staff from 100 to 300 people.

With $7.6 million in the bank as of June 30, Gore also is setting aside some funds to pay the travel expenses of his vice presidential choice, should he name the person before the convention.

“We really tightened the belt and focused on winning the primaries early,” Gore campaign spokesman Douglas Hattaway said. “That has put us on a very sound financial footing now when it really matters.”


Following the Democratic National Convention, running from Aug. 14 to 17 in Los Angeles, Gore will get $67.6 million in federal funds to pay for the fall campaign and cannot raise private funds except to cover legal and accounting costs.

Texas Gov. George W. Bush also will receive $67.6 million following the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia, which runs from July 31 to Aug. 3. That means Bush will be spending his federal allotment for two weeks while Gore uses the funds remaining from his primary campaign.

During the primary campaign, Bush did not take federal funds and therefore could spend as much as he could raise. He took in more than $90 million.


Gore, on the other hand, accepted the federal money and therefore was limited to spending $40.5 million plus legal and accounting costs.

He spent a lot of money early to repeal an unexpected strong challenge from former U.S. Sen. Bill Bradley. But he defeated Bradley in the early primaries and found himself with plenty of money left over.
