

Los Angeles County

CASTAIC LAKE--Striped bass are biting sporadically on anchovies and night crawlers, but you have to go 50-plus feet to get them. A Valencia angler caught four totaling 54 pounds. Largemouth bass are being fooled with night crawlers and crankbaits. Some catfish and bluegill.

Ventura County

LAKE CASITAS--Bass fishing is slow. A six-pounder was caught on a crawdad. Catfish bite is good. A 22-pounder caught on mackerel tops the list. Lots of 10-pounders. Trout are being caught at 50-plus feet.

LAKE PIRU--Trollers are still catching lots of trout using Needlefish lures at 35-plus feet. Bass fishing is slow.


Santa Barbara County

LAKE CACHUMA--Trout action is best at the dam, where trollers using night crawlers and Needlefish at 40-60 feet are getting limits. Red-ear perch are active again, biting on night crawlers. Bass action is good only on overcast mornings, biting on top-water lures early and plastic worms as the sun breaks through.

Orange County

ANAHEIM LAKE--The night catfish bite is great and daytime is too hot for even the fish. Mornings and afternoons are fair. The fish are running one to three pounds, but there are a few lunkers showing on the hook.

IRVINE LAKE--Catfish are getting most of the attention, but bass are active in mornings, biting on plastic worms. Crappie action is OK.


OSO RESERVOIR--Bass fishing remains good on plastic worms and small grubs. It’s best in mornings and afternoons.

San Bernardino County

BIG BEAR LAKE--Trout are being caught mostly by trollers going 25-plus feet with Needlefish. A few came in at five-plus pounds.

GREEN VALLEY LAKE--Use light line and tie a mini-jig on and you’re all set for trout. The bite is fair to good early and late and a few of the fish are topping five pounds.


JESS RANCH LAKES--Trout action fair and catfish slow. Largemouth bass activity is picking up and a few have exceeded five pounds. Small grubs are working.

Riverside County

CORONA LAKE--The night catfish bite is the best thing going and most of the fish are small, biting on mackerel and night crawlers. A 12-4 tops the list.

LAKE PERRIS--Bass action has slowed considerably. Bluegill are being caught on mealworms and crickets at the marina and east end. A few trout are being caught in deep water. The night catfish bite (on mackerel) is fair to good.

LAKE SKINNER--Largemouth bass and catfish are biting best and night crawlers are best for both. A few stripers are showing on the hooks but the bite is fair very early and slow during the day.

San Diego County

LAKE CUYAMACA--Trout are small but they’re biting on both lures and bait. Inflated night crawlers have the edge.

SAN DIEGO CITY LAKES--San Vicente is a great place for panfish as bluegill are biting by the dozens. Bass fishing is good here too, and fair at the other bass lakes. An 85-pound blue catfish was caught on mackerel at Lower Otay.


Eastern Sierra

In the Bishop area, the namesake creek is still a good choice, with Power Bait and salmon eggs enticing Alpers lunkers in the deeper pools. Intake II and North Lake are good, South is filling up and getting better and Sabrina had a mid-week surge in activity. Olive matukas and olive woolly buggers are good flies. In the Mammoth area, Crowley Lake is fair to good for fly anglers using midges and bait fishermen using Power Bait and night crawlers. Convict Lake is producing the usual occasional lunker and the basin lakes (Twin and Mary have the edge) are rated fair. The Upper Owens is productive in mornings and afternoons, but with fish averaging only about six inches. On the June Lake Loop, nothing has eclipsed the 11-6 brown pulled from Grant Lake last week, but fishing is fair early at all of the lakes. The big fish was caught on a Thomas Buoyant. In the Bridgeport area, the East Walker River is flowing at 240 cfs, not ideal but very fishable. Nymphing with olive-colored flies is best for fly fishermen. The reservoir remains the top choice for quality fish, with a two-pound average. A 4-13 rainbow was caught on rainbow Power Bait. Virginia Lakes are producing consistent action for those using lures early and late and bait during the day.


The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

MORRO BAY (Virg’s Landing)--29 anglers (1 boat): 1 ling cod, 110 red rock cod, 80 rock cod, 100 rock fish.

AVILA BEACH (Patriot Sportfishing)--41 anglers (2 boats): 37 rock cod, 69 rockfish, 6 red rock cod, 168 bolina, 2 ling cod.

SANTA BARBARA (Sea Landing)--33 anglers (2 boats): 72 calico bass, 28 sand bass, 10 mackerel, 1 barracuda, 5 ocean white fish, 4 red snapper, 74 rockfish.

OXNARD (Cisco’s)--157 anglers (5 boats): 12 white sea bass, 1 white fish, 6 sole, 5 sculpin, 312 sand bass, 30 rockfish, 163 calico bass, 65 barracuda. (Captain Hook’s/Gold Coast)--16 anglers (1 boat): 6 white sea bass, 160 sand bass, 1 halibut.


PORT HUENEME--47 anglers (3 boats): 14 white sea bass, 41 calico bass, 96 barracuda, 2 halibut, 1 rockfish, 189 sand bass, 2 sculpin, 5 white fish.

MARINA DEL REY--154 anglers (4 boats): 175 calico bass, 81 sand bass, 15 sculpin, 8 sole.

REDONDO BEACH--146 anglers (6 boats): 633 calico bass, 260 sand bass, 152 barracuda, 1 halibut, 10 bonito, 2 sculpin, 29 white fish, 13 rockfish.

SAN PEDRO (L.A. Harbor Sportfishing)--87 anglers (4 boats): 221 sand bass, 379 barracuda, 82 calico bass, 10 sculpin, 1 halibut, 1 sheephead. (22nd St. Landing)--182 anglers (7 boats): 8 albacore, 1 yellowtail, 137 calico bass, 179 sand bass, 1,027 barracuda, 29 sculpin, 6 sheephead, 12 white fish.

LONG BEACH (Sportfishing/Berth 55)--91 anglers (4 boats): 1 yellowtail, 349 barracuda, 135 calico bass, 27 sand bass, 31 rockfish, 10 white fish, 21 sculpin, 2 sole, 23 blue perch. (Marina Sportfishing)--152 anglers (4 boats): 247 barracuda, 9 calico bass, 142 sand bass, 35 rockfish, 12 sculpin, 1 halibut, 4 sole. (Belmont Pier)--19 anglers (1 boat): 190 barracuda, 2 calico bass, 1 yellowtail. (Pierpoint Landing)--125 anglers (5 boats): 9 yellowtail, 744 barracuda, 127 calico bass, 156 sand bass, 7 sculpin.

NEWPORT BEACH (Newport Landing)--113 anglers (5 boats): 7 yellowtail, 198 barracuda, 269 calico bass, 257 sand bass, 2 rockfish, 12 sculpin, 16 sheephead, 25 blue perch, 10 white sea bass, 20 opal-eye perch, 7 sole. (Davey’s Locker)--184 anglers (8 boats): 6 albacore, 5 yellowtail, 5 white sea bass, 740 sand bass, 185 barracuda, 173 calico bass, 1 halibut.

DANA WHARF--184 anglers (13 boats): 90 barracuda, 13 blue perch, 106 calico bass, 351 sand bass, 141 mackerel, 17 yellowtail, 1 king salmon, 1 rockfish, 4 sculpin, 9 sheephead, 1 white sea bass, 6 albacore.


OCEANSIDE-- (Helgren’s)--210 anglers (7 boats): 165 albacore, 2 bluefin tuna, 1 yellowtail, 31 barracuda, 190 calico bass, 381 sand bass, 3 halibut, 5 smooth-hound shark.

SAN DIEGO (H&M; Landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--466 anglers (16 boats): 163 albacore, 1 bluefin tuna, 320 yellowtail, 12 barracuda, 14 bonito, 1 marlin, 8 dorado. (Seaforth)--286 anglers (12 boats): 75 albacore, 4 bluefin tuna, 107 yellowtail, 12 bonito, 387 barracuda, 162 calico bass, 6 sand bass. (Islandia)--176 anglers (5 boats): 17 albacore, 455 barracuda, 2 bonito, 55 yellowtail, 6 sand bass, 27 kelp bass, 4 rockfish, 21 mackerel.


RIVERSIDE--Fulmor Lake and Lake Hemet. SAN BERNARDINO--Big Bear Lake, Green Valley Lake and Lake Gregory. SAN DIEGO--Cuyamaca Lake. INYO--Baker Creek, Big Pine Creek, Bishop Creek (Lower, Middle, North, South forks and Intake II), Cottonwood Creek, Independence Creek, Georges Creek, Goodale Creek, Lake Sabrina, Lone Pine Creek, North Lake, Owens River (below Tinnemaha), Shepards Creek, South Lake, Taboose Creek, Tinnemaha Creek, Tuttle Creek. MONO--Buckeye Creek, Convict Creek, Ellery Lake, Green Creek, Lee Vining Creek, Lee Vining Creek (South Fork), Little Walker Lake, Little Walker River, Lundy Lake, Mammoth Creek, McGee Creek, Mill Creek, Owens River (Benton Crossing), Rush Creek, Saddlebag Creek, Saddlebag Lake, Sherwin Creek, Tioga Lake, Trumble Lake, Virginia Creek, Virginia Lakes, Walker River (Chris Flat campground to town of Walker and Leavitt Meadows Campground to Sonora bridge).


ORANGE--Carr Park Lake, Centennial Park Lake, Greer Park Lake, Huntington Park Lake, Irvine Regional Park Lake, Mile Square Park Lake, Ralph Clark Park Lake, Westhaven Park Lake, Yorba Linda Park Lake.
