


CASTAIC LAKE--Largemouth action is fair, with the best fishing on jerk baits, cranks, live shad, spinnerbaits, or plastic worms. Striped bass fishing is poor to fair. Trout and catfish action is slow. Some bluegills are being caught on meal worms and red worms.

PYRAMID LAKE--Stripers are showing on surface lures and the catfish bite is also good. Smallmouth and largemouth bass are providing fair action on plastics and reaction baits. Trout are spotty.


LAKE CACHUMA--The trout bite remains fair to good, especially for trollers fishing the dam area and the deeper water of Cachuma Bay. Most are working four to six colors of leadcore with Needlefish or flashers and a nightcrawler. A 4-pound 8-ounce rainbow was caught by Al Gregson, Santa Barbara. The red-ear perch bite has been just fair. Bass still biting early in the morning on topwater, plastics, crawdads, and nightcrawlers. Catfish bite improving.



LAKE CASITAS--Bass bite is slow, with most of the action in 25-30 feet of water on live bait, jigs, and plastics. Chris Monica, Marietta, Ga., landed 10-2 and 6-8 bass. Catfish action remains good in five to 10 feet of water on cut baits and nightcrawlers. Trout are biting but only for deep-water trollers working eight to 10 colors of leadcore with Needlefish or similar lures.

LAKE PIRU--Trout fishing is very good, trolling being most effective in the deeper water with bikini Needlefish or Rapalas. Anglers using Powerbait and inflated nightcrawlers have also done well. Bass action is fair, with nightcrawlers and plastic worms most productive.


SILVERWOOD LAKE--Catfish biting at night in the coves adjacent to the quarry and dam. Bass action best in deeper water. Daryl Brinegar, Hesperia, caught a 5-11 largemouth on a nightcrawler. Trout fishing slow.


BIG BEAR LAKE--Trout action slow to fair, best for boat anglers drifting with a Flasherlite Rig and nightcrawlers. The bass bite continues fair, and panfish are very active in most shallows. Catfish bite is fair in the Stanfield Marsh but weed growth is making fishing tough.

GREGORY LAKE--Fair trout fishing since DFG plant last Friday. There is also a decent panfish bite.

GREEN VALLEY LAKE--Recent plants have made trout fishing excellent. Evangelic Cervantes, Grand Terrace, caught a 7-pound 11-ounce rainbow on a homemade jig. A few bass and panfish are also being caught.


HESPERIA LAKE--Good catfish action with many limits reported.


LAKE PERRIS--Bass action slow to fair with only a few fish showing in deeper water on live bait or plastics. Trout fishing slow.

LAKE ELSINORE--Excellent carp action and a very good catfish bite after a DFG plant last week. Crappie action has slowed but is stillfair and the fish are of decent size. Bass are spotty and bluegills are slow.

CORONA LAKE--Big catfish are still biting for anglers night-fishing in the trees. Top baits have been mackerel, chicken livers, and dough balls.

LAKE SKINNER--Catfish and striper bites are good, with the best action early and late in the day. Cats have been best at the east end and the dam. Stripers also are biting early in the day at the dam and inlet. Anchovies, chicken livers, and plastic swim baits are all good. The largemouth bite has been fair.

LAKE HEMET--Fair trout action after DFG plant last week. Bluegills are biting and the bass bite is fair to good.

SALTON SEA--Fishing remains excellent for those braving the 100-plus degree temperatures. The shore bite on corvina slowed off the west shoreline but the action from boats remains excellent.



SANTA ANA RIVER LAKES--Closed for annual maintenance.

ANAHEIM LAKE--The catfish bite is excellent. Tom Nguyen, Long Beach, landed a 15-2 cat.

IRVINE LAKE--The catfish bite has been good at night in Santiago Flats, off Rocky Point and at the Red Cliffs. Best fishing early and late in the day or at night. Bass bite is still decent but trout fishing is slow.

LAGUNA NIGUEL LAKE--Excellent catfish bite for both shore and boat anglers. Afternoon and evening fishing has produced the most fish.

OSO RESERVOIR--Bass fishing is excellent, with many caught near the shorelines on grubs or plastics. Eric Carden, Huntington Beach, caught an 8-4 bass, and Wylie Ishii, Tustin, caught and released 107 bass.


SAN DIEGO CITY LAKES--Fair fishing for bass and catfish with a good crappie bite at Hodges. El Capitan is excellent for bass, fair for catfish and crappies. Lower Otay has fair bass and catfish action with a good bluegill bite, and Upper Otay is producing bass.

LAKE CUYAMACA--Excellent fishing for pan-sized trout, and the crappie bite has been very good. Some bullhead cats have also been caught in the shallow waters. Inflated crawlers and Sierra Gold still producing at the dike or the Lone Pine Tree.

Eastern Sierra

In the Bridgeport area, Bridgeport Reservoir is good for boat anglers fishing the inlet. The East Walker is still excellent for fly fishermen and Rapala anglers. Lots of fish in the 16-20-inch range caught and released. Anglers are getting browns, rainbows and cutthroats. Virginia Lakes is wide open for tube anglers. The West Walker is excellent for fly, bait and lure anglers. The June Lake Loop is providing trout action. Crowley Lake has been good but weed growth is making fishing tough. Twin Lakes, Mamie, George and Mary all are yielding pan-size rainbows. In the Bishop area, The lower Owens River remains tough to fish because of high flows.



The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

MORRO BAY (Virg’s Landing)--96 anglers (3 boats): 1 ling cod, 218 red rock cod, 355 rock cod, 155 rockfish.

PORT SAN LUIS (Patriot Sportfishing)--47 anglers (2 boats): 208 rock cod, 146 red rock cod, 26 bolina, 1 ling cod, 1 halibut, 1 rock sole, 1 kelp greenling.

SANTA BARBARA (Sea Landing)--71 anglers (3 boats): 114 calico bass, 15 sand bass, 2 white sea bass, 10 mackerel, 6 white fish, 2 red snapper, 155 rockfish, 2 sheephead. (Hornet’s Landing)--6 anglers (1 boats): 16 red snapper, 11 rockfish, 18 bocaccio.

OXNARD (Cisco’s)--169 anglers (7 boats): 3 yellowtail, 7 white sea bass, 31 white fish, 2 sheephead, 1 sculpin, 797 sand bass, 2 rockfish, 7 halibut, 105 calico bass, 113 barracuda.

PORT HUENEME--53 anglers (3 boats): 3 white sea bass, 67 calico bass, 37 barracuda, 380 sand bass, 1 sculpin.


MARINA DEL REY--163 anglers (5 boats): 31 barracuda, 883 sand bass, 170 calico bass.

SAN PEDRO (L.A. Harbor Sportfishing)--62 anglers (4 boats): 285 calico bass, 130 barracuda, 39 sand bass. (22nd St. Landing)--196 anglers (6 boats): 19 yellowtail, 1 white sea bass, 367 calico bass, 429 sand bass, 99 barracuda, 2 halibut, 16 sculpin, 2 sheephead, 8 rockfish.

LONG BEACH (Sportfishing/Berth 55)--116 anglers (4 boats): 1 yellowtail, 307 barracuda, 65 calico bass, 369 sand bass, 3 halibut, 15 sculpin, 2 cabezon, 6 sole. (Marina Sportfishing)--91 anglers (4 boats): 1 yellowtail, 1 white sea bass, 108 barracuda, 356 calico bass, 213 sand bass, 1 rockfish, 2 white fish, 8 sculpin. (Belmont Pier)--15 anglers (1 boat): 150 barracuda, 150 sand bass. (Pierpoint Landing)--78 anglers (4 boats): 40 albacore, 3 yellowtail, 87 barracuda, 136 calico bass, 151 sand bass, 6 rockfish, 4 sculpin, 2 sheephead, 22 perch.

SEAL BEACH (Big Fish)--66 anglers (3 boats): 81 barracuda, 70 calico bass, 370 sand bass.

NEWPORT BEACH (Newport Landing)--123 anglers (8 boats): 25 yellowtail, 99 albacore, 7 bluefin tuna, 630 sand bass, 54 barracuda, 24 calico bass, 1 bonito, 3 sole, 15 blue perch. (Davey’s Locker)--262 anglers (8 boats): 17 yellowtail, 848 sand bass, 165 barracuda, 79 calico bass, 2 halibut, 2 sheephead, 7 sculpin, 1 mako shark, 1 bonita, 225 mackerel.

DANA WHARF--284 anglers (9 boats): 134 barracuda, 58 bonito, 100 calico bass, 787 sand bass, 60 mackerel, 6 yellowtail, 1 halibut, 2 rockfish, 9 sculpin, 3 sheephead, 1 white sea bass, 2 mako shark, 21 blue shark.

OCEANSIDE (Helgren’s)--173 anglers (7 boats): 151 albacore, 1 bluefin tuna, 39 yellowtail, 270 barracuda, 59 calico bass, 444 sand bass, 2 halibut, 29 sculpin, 2 mako shark, 1 dorado.

SAN DIEGO (H&M; Landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--316 anglers (21 boats): 1,029 albacore, 8 bluefin tuna, 51 yellowtail. (Seaforth)--300 anglers (13 boats): 194 albacore, 1 bluefin tuna, 32 yellowtail, 234 barracuda, 295 calico bass, 136 sand bass. (Islandia)--173 anglers (5 boats): 54 albacore, 87 barracuda, 1 bonito, 15 yellowtail, 14 sand bass, 164 calico bass, 5 sculpin, 5 rockfish.



LOS ANGELES COUNTY--Bouquet Canyon Creek, Jackson Lake. SAN BERNARDINO--Jenks Lake, Santa Ana River. INYO--Baker Creek, Big Pine Creek, Bishop Creek (Lower, Middle, North, South forks and Intake II), Cottonwood Creek, Independence Creek, Georges Creek, Goodale Creek, Lake Sabrina, Lone Pine Creek, North Lake, Owens River (below Tinnemaha), Rock Creek (Rock Creek Lake to the end of the road), Rock Creek Lake, Shepards Creek, South Lake, Taboose Creek, Tinnemaha Creek, Tuttle Creek. MONO--Buckeye Creek, Convict Creek, Convict Lake, Deadman Creek, Ellery Lake, George Lake, Glass Creek, Grant Lake, Green Creek, Gull Lake, June Lake, Lake Mary, Lee Vining Creek, Lee Vining Creek (South Fork), Little Walker River, Lundy Lake, Mamie Lake, Mammoth Creek, McGee Creek, Owens River (Benton Crossing), Pine Creek, Robinson Creek, Rock Creek (Paradise Camp to Toms Place and Toms Place upstream to Rock Creek Lake), Rush Creek, Saddlebag Creek, Saddlebag Lake, Sherwin Creek, Silver Lake, Swauger Creek, Tioga Lake, Trumble Lake, Twin Lakes Bridgeport, Twin Lakes Mammoth, Virginia Creek, Virginia Lakes, Walker River (Chris Flat campground to town of Walker and Leavitt Meadows Campground to Sonora bridge).

--Compiled by Jim Matthews

Outdoor News Service
