
Auto Shop Owner Charged After Investigation of Repairs

Criminal charges were filed Tuesday against a South Los Angeles auto repair shop owner accused of issuing brake and lamp certificates for salvaged vehicles without properly inspecting them.

Joo Ro Hwang, 38, was arrested after an undercover operation by investigators from the state Bureau of Automotive Repair, according to the city attorney’s office.

Investigators took vehicles with lights and brakes that did not meet state safety requirements to Hwang’s Arnold Auto Center at 4800 S. Arlington Ave. on three occasions and were given lamp and brake certificates each time, the attorney’s office said.


Hwang is charged with three counts of failing to provide a customer with a written estimate for labor and parts, performing auto repair without providing a proper invoice, unlawfully issuing a brake lamp certificate and giving false information to the Department of Motor Vehicles.

His arraignment is scheduled for June 15.
