
New Rules for Jurors

* Re “Tough Rules for Jury Duty Try Patience of Residents,” May 28.

As a stay-at-home mom with a young family on one income, I am appalled at the new rules for jury duty. It’s not because I do not want to fulfill my civic duty. On the contrary, I would very much like the experience to see and be a part of our judicial system. However, I feel that we have put the cart before the horse.

The judicial committee has changed the rules to disallow financial hardship and primary caregiver as reasons for being excused and has not offered any alternatives. It has implemented a policy without giving any tools to alleviate the problem.

I have an 8-year-old and an 8-month-old. We survive on one income. My older child will be in summer school when I have to serve, and there is no option of after-school care. There are no day-care centers in Ventura County that will take a child for one day. And my husband taking a day off is not an option, as he is this family’s only means of income.


Maybe the judicial committee that implemented these new rules should offer some services that would allow at-home mothers to participate and fulfill their civic duty. On-site child care services at minimal cost would be a start. And after-school care for older children provided by the state would be another option.

Otherwise, they are forcing us to choose between the welfare of our children and action against them by the court system.


Thousand Oaks
