
Change Is on the Menu at Hotel del Coronado

Several new eating and drinking areas are opening this month at the Hotel del Coronado as part of a $55-million renovation of the historic luxury hotel in San Diego. Much of the renovation is done, with the balance scheduled to be completed in spring 2001.

Among the changes:

* Sheerwater restaurant, replacing the former Ocean Terrace. With 300 seats, it’s more than twice as large and will operate year-round instead of seasonally. It serves three daily meals described as “California coastal cuisine” plus afternoon tapas (small dishes). Opened June 2.

* Babcock & Story Bar, formerly the Ocean Terrace Lounge. Named for the hotel’s founders, it includes the old lounge’s 19th century mahogany bar but has an expanded ocean view. Opened June 2; an outdoor terrace is coming later.


* Two outdoor dining terraces for the venerable Prince of Wales, the hotel’s top-drawer restaurant. They will add 60 seats to the restaurant’s 90 seats. Expected to open by the end of this month.

* Air-conditioning in guest rooms of the all-wood Victorian Building. (Public areas already had it.) “After 112 years, we thought it was time,” said Michael Hardisty, the hotel’s managing director. Rooms are also being redecorated in “classic Victorian” style, he added, and 20 of the small “butler” rooms are being combined into 10 bigger rooms. About a third of the building’s 385 rooms are finished, with the balance to be completed by spring 2001. Meanwhile, the hotel remains open, but there may be some daytime construction noise, he acknowledged.

* Windsor Lawn, a 1,500-square-foot seaside expanse with walkways and gardens that replaces the tennis court area, which was moved. The result: a less-obstructed ocean view from the Victorian Building’s waterfront side, and a place to stage weddings and other events. Opened last month.


The hotel is at 1500 Orange Ave. on Coronado Island. Room rates begin at $205. Telephone (800) HOTEL-DEL.
