
Hollywood Boosts Campaign Donations

From Bloomberg News

Led by Seagram Co., the entertainment industry has almost doubled its donations to federal campaigns in the 1999-2000 election cycle, as companies seek laws to fight Internet piracy, a campaign-spending watchdog group said.

The industry has given more than $15.5 million to campaign committees and candidates in the 1999-2000 presidential election cycle, compared with $8.5 million at the same point in the 1995-1996 cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Hollywood has been lobbying in Washington to seek ways to fight growing piracy of movies and music on the Internet.


Seagram, owner of Universal Studios, topped industry spending with almost $1.1 million, the center said. Time Warner Inc., owner of CNN and HBO, was No. 2 with $887,345, followed by Walt Disney Co. at $693,327.

Entertainment donors favored Democrats over Republicans by almost 2 to 1.

Last week, Disney Chairman and Chief Executive Michael Eisner urged Congress to adopt a law requiring Internet companies to use technology that prevents movies and other copyrighted products from being illegally duplicated over the Internet.

The Recording Industry Assn. of America also has been embroiled in litigation with Web sites Napster Inc. and Inc., which let visitors download music and make their own CDs. Seagram also owns numerous record labels, including MCA Records.


Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.), who withdrew from the Republican campaign for president, received the most from the entertainment industry with $349,193. Rep. Howard L. Berman (D-Mission Hills), a staunch supporter of Hollywood, ranked second at $147,748. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) collected $147,400 and ranked third.

The high-tech industry also has boosted its spending in this election cycle to about $13.5 million, the center said. Software company executives visited Capitol Hill last week to urge stronger copyright laws to combat Internet piracy.

The Center for Responsive Politics evaluated Federal Election Commission data on contributions from television, movie and music companies and individuals associated with those companies.
