
Debate Over Death Penalty

* Re “Death Penalty Is Overturned in Most Cases,” June 12: Supporters of the death penalty are making a very curious argument; 68% of death penalty cases are being overturned. Supporters claim that this is because these cases are being scrutinized so closely, and it proves the system is working. I have to ask: Are they suggesting that 68% of non-capital cases are also faulty, and that the only reason those aren’t being overturned is that they aren’t being studied so closely?

How dare they suggest that this proves the system works! If close scrutiny of convictions means that two out of three are invalid, the conclusion I draw is that our entire criminal justice system is failing us.


Los Angeles


I was disappointed that this article left out an important factor in the fair and equitable imposition of guilty verdicts in death-penalty situations: racist jurors. The O.J. Simpson criminal trial was just such an example.



San Pedro


“Bush Defends Texas Process in Death Cases,” June 12: If even one of the 131 prisoners Texas has executed while George W. Bush was governor is proven to be innocent--and both history and the odds make it highly likely--then he is, in short, a murderer himself, and his next residence should be the Big House, not the White House.


Sherman Oaks


Is this latest concern about death penalty innocents for real, or another left-wing conspiracy to bring attention to Bush and the Texas death penalty numbers? Unlike other states that are wishy-washy about criminal punishment, Texas has taken the stand that capital crimes will be dealt with with no less than the death penalty.

Bush is comfortable that all criminals in his state have received the correct punishment. Americans should show more sympathy for the victims and their families than the criminals.



