

* After reading today’s Times (June 23), I don’t see how anyone could ever again accuse The Times of having a liberal slant. The front page carried an article on the old--and tiresome--Gore fund-raising investigation, and an article on the old--and just plain tired--Hillary Clinton-Travelgate investigation.

Meanwhile, an article about George W. Bush’s 135th execution (and a questionable one at that) gets quietly tucked away on Page 10. The Times should expect a nice Christmas present from the Bush campaign this year.


Los Angeles


Re closing the investigation of the White House travel office firings: Independent counsel Robert W. Ray proudly perseveres in the get-the-Clintons-on-anything crusade of his sorry mentor Kenneth Starr. To pour the raw evidence of an investigation into the press, evidence that has not been subjected to rebuttal by the accused, is the sleaziest of political dirty tricks, but something that is by now accepted behavior from that crowd.


Any unbiased investigator would have simply declared the inquiry closed and left it at that, but, since he has no real case to bring, this inquisitor insists on handing off his untried case to the Clinton-hating, right-wing spinmeisters of the public airwaves. Sleaze is as sleaze does.


