
Short Campaigns

Regarding Jim Ketcham’s June 23 letter proposing conventions on the Internet: May I add my two cents? Let’s hold the primaries two months (or six weeks?) before the elections, thereby cutting much of the cost, and certainly much of the mudslinging which offends the electorate. The timing would allow for presentation of platforms and beliefs and might reduce the endless drivel that prevails now. Conventions by Internet would cut time and expenditures.

Perhaps some worthy candidates who cannot afford the present overwhelming costs of the seemingly endless campaigns, who do not want to be beholden to moneyed groups, could then come forward and present themselves as candidates to truly represent us.

The days when lone riders conveyed the results of elections in remote areas are long gone. Why have we lengthened the period between the primaries and the elections? Let’s move into the new age of instant communication. We can do it!



Arroyo Grande
