
Woman Is Killed When Car Hits Bus, Then Jumps Curb

A woman was killed at a Buena Park bus stop Tuesday when a car ran into the back of a bus, then jumped the curb and skidded into her on the sidewalk, police said.

Balvinda Delgado, 40, of Anaheim was waiting for the OCTA bus on La Palma Avenue near San Rafael Drive about 6:20 p.m. when the accident occurred, according to police.

As the eastbound bus pulled to the curb to pick up passengers, a 1995 white Ford Taurus struck the right rear end of the bus, jumped the curb and skidded about 200 feet onto the sidewalk, said Lt. Corey Sianez, a spokesman for the Buena Park Police Department.


Delgado was declared dead at the scene, Sianez said.

The driver of the Taurus--Eduardo Amaya, 75, of Whittier--was taken to Western Medical Center-Santa Ana with moderate injuries.

The cause of the accident is under investigation, Sianez said.
