
Small Bank Is Better

* To all those who wrote to complain about the results of Wells Fargo Bank being taken over by Norwest [“A Different Wells Fargo,” Letters, Nov. 5], there is really a very simple answer. Find a small local bank and move your account there.

With electronic funds transfers and the Internet, you will find most of the same services at a small bank that you found at a mega-bank. The difference is that the small bank will appreciate having your account, and their employees will reflect that appreciation in the way they serve you.

U.S. Bank took over Santa Monica Bank--where I had been banking for 31 years--early this year. Soon they began cutting services that I really appreciated. Two months later, I switched to a small bank that is only about 2 years old and that provides even better services than did the old Santa Monica Bank.


I discovered that I do not need a large bank whose checks are recognized across the nation. Instead, I want--and found--a bank that recognizes me.


Oak Park


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