

The Long Format: “ ‘The Today Show’ expanded to three hours. . . . Why don’t they just call it ‘The All-Day Show’?” (Daily Scoop)

Walk on the Wild Side: “According to a new study, more people are injured while walking in Los Angeles than any other place in the state of California. Do you see anybody walking in this town? Are they getting hurt walking from the valet to the restaurant? When they drop the car off, [do they get hurt during] that little 50-foot stretch where they have to walk?” (Jay Leno)

Weighing In: “NBC News anchor Brian Williams asked George W. Bush if he suffers from dyslexia. It’s the silliest thing the governor has heard all year. He said since his freshman year in college, he’s never weighed less than 160 pounds.” (Argus Hamilton)


Cheers: “Walmart . . . is coming out with its own brand of wine. Finally, a chardonnay you can enjoy with a corn dog.” (Leno)

Got a joke? Send it to Laugh Lines by fax, (213) 237-0732, or mail, Southern California Living, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, 90012.
