
In His Mind, This Award Is No Prize

Archie Manning thinks Mississippi tailback Deuce McAllister can do much better than the Heisman Trophy.

“I think he’s going to be the first back taken in the NFL [draft]. That’s better than the Heisman. I’m not a big Heisman guy, if you know what I mean,” the former Mississippi quarterback said.

Manning’s son, former Tennessee quarterback Peyton Manning, finished a close second to Michigan defensive back Charles Woodson for the 1997 Heisman Trophy. Archie himself finished third in the 1970 Heisman Trophy vote.



Trivia time: Who was the Heisman Trophy winner in 1970?


Getting back at dad: Pele, who didn’t want to acknowledge that he had a daughter, now has one campaigning to make the city of Santos, Brazil, where the soccer idol gained his greatest fame, pay for DNA testing for children not recognized by their parents.

His daughter, Sandra Machado Arantes do Nascimento, is the newest member of the Santos city council. Pele refused to recognize her as his daughter until a DNA test proved it. She still is seeking a financial settlement.


Mano a mano: A.J. Foyt, irritated when longtime rival Mario Andretti was being honored--in A.J.’s hometown of Houston--as racing’s “driver of the century,” said:


“Let’s just settle this on the track. Just me and Mario, at Indy or Texas World [Speedway]. Any time. I’ll still whip his butt.”


No thanks: Andrew Golota has a reputation as a dirty fighter, but he doesn’t want to be compared with Mike Tyson.

“I don’t know him, I don’t want to know him,” Golota said. “We’re nothing like each other . . . not at all, absolutely not.”


Golota will get to know him Oct. 20 when they fight at Auburn Hills, Mich.


Family fun: Brandi Gagnon, 20, plays on the University of Maine at Fort Kent soccer team. So does her mother, Donna, 43. Both scored goals in Sunday’s win over Unity College.

Brandi says she doesn’t know quite how to address her mother when they are on the field.

“I just can’t bring myself to yell, ‘Go, Donna!’ when she has the ball, so I scream, ‘Go, Mom.’ ”


Now or never: According to Laura Vecsey of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, the Mariners had better go all the way this year.

“With only six players under contract beyond 2000, [Alex] Rodriguez on the fence and [Manager Lou] Piniella’s future up in the air, it’s the best and last chance for this core of players.”


Always a Clipper: The Atlanta Hawks are upgrading their locker room with plush carpeting, plus cubicles with built-in personal CD players and head phones. Is it all necessary, players were asked?

“I don’t know about that, but it’s nice,” Lorenzen Wright said. “Remember, I spent three years with the Clippers, so I know what turns players off.”



Average day: The Rams don’t play this week, but St. Louis Post-Dispatch columnist Bernie Miklasz has this to say about Kurt Warner and Co.:

“It’s their bye week, so the Rams will be off, but their offense may get together and score 40 points, anyway.”


Trivia answer: Stanford quarterback Jim Plunkett. Notre Dame quarterback Joe Theismann was the runner-up.


And finally: Seattle Seahawk cornerback Shawn Springs has his own reason for liking the San Diego Chargers’ Ryan Leaf.

“You know why I like Ryan Leaf?” he said. “Because Ryan will talk trash the whole time and try to throw at you. He’s not smart enough to know [better] after you pick him off a couple of times.”
