
Speed Bump Solution

I fail to see the logic behind “Neighbors Demand, Win Speed Bumps After 2 Slayings” (Oct. 14). The tragic slayings of two innocent victims in this Boyle Heights neighborhood certainly demand action by the LAPD and attention by the city to improve this community. But speed bumps? Apparently the idea is to deter drive-by shootings by slowing down getaway cars.

Does anyone really believe that the animals who are willing to commit senseless acts of violence are going to go elsewhere because of some raised asphalt? If the speed bumps were successful in slowing getaway cars, would they not also slow police vehicles in pursuit of these criminals? What is next? Is the city going to install traffic signals in neighborhoods with high burglary rates? Everyone knows the saying “let the punishment fit the crime.” Apparently, the mayor’s office also needs to learn “let the solution fit the problem.”


Culver City
