
SUV Rollovers

* Jim Makichuk has absolutely no right to condemn owners of Ford Explorers for not being “responsible drivers” (letter, Oct. 23). The Firestone tires are the cause of these accidents.

I, too, have owned SUVs since 1990. Our 1996 Ford Explorer, equipped with Firestone Wilderness ATs, experienced tread separation on June 16. I was driving the speed limit on the freeway and the car rolled over when the tread peeled off. The car was totaled and my entire family, including my husband and two children, was traumatized by this horrific experience. I have never been involved in an accident in my 25 years of driving. To say that being “a little more responsible . . . seems to be beyond the comprehension of many SUV drivers” is contemptuous!


Yorba Linda
