
‘We Are Waiting for This Enemy, We Sit Here Like Bait,’ Victim Says

Carlos Caceres, a U.N. refugee worker in the West Timor town of Atambua, sent this e-mail to a colleague with the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees early Wednesday. Pro-Indonesian militia members and supporters, angered by the death of a militia leader, killed Caceres, who was from Puerto Rico, and at least two other colleagues a short time later.

“I was in the office when the news came out that a wave of violence would soon pound Atambua. We sent most of the staff home, rushing to safety. I just heard someone on the radio saying that they are praying for us in the office. The militias are on the way, and I am sure they will do their best to demolish this office. The man killed was the head of one of the most notorious and criminal militia groups of East Timor. These guys act without thinking and can kill a human as easily (and painlessly) as I kill mosquitoes in my room.

“You should see this office. Plywood on the windows, staff peering out through openings in the curtains hastily installed a few minutes ago. We are waiting for this enemy, we sit here like bait, unarmed, waiting for [the] wave to hit. I am glad to be leaving this island for three weeks. I just hope I will be able to leave tomorrow.


“As I wait for the militias to do their business, I will draft the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting on [the provincial capital of] Kupang. The purpose of the meeting: to discuss how we are to proceed with this operation.”

