
Mission Viejo Accountant Admits Theft, Loses License

The California Board of Accountancy said Thursday that it has revoked the license of Elizabeth Ann Tuey Tatman of Mission Viejo under a stipulated settlement.

In settling, Tatman admitted that she diverted at least $568,740 over 10 years from the corporate funds of Howard & Tatman, an accounting company in which she was a half owner. Tatman falsified entries on the firm’s financial records to conceal the diversions between 1986 and 1996, the board said.

She pleaded guilty to grand theft in November and was sentenced in March to a year in the Orange County Jail. She also was ordered to make pay $750,000 in restitution to former partner James D. Howard.


Tatman can petition the board to reinstate her license in two years. But she first must reimburse the board for $10,341 in investigation costs.
