
Delphi Co-Founder, CEO Named Chief Executive at Strategic Data

* Strategic Data Corp., which makes technology for analyzing Internet marketing efforts, has named Richard Janssen chief executive. Strategic Data’s co-founder, Lee Cooper, will continue to serve as chairman of the board and will lead the company’s research activities. Janssen is a co-founder and CEO of Delphi Information Systems Inc., an insurance software company, and InfoTouch, which later became

* Michael Mulvihill has been promoted to vice president of the newly developed content development department of New Line Home Video. Based in Los Angeles, Mulvihill oversees the development of all New Line Home Video original content.

* Manufacturers Bank of Los Angeles has appointed Jenny Wu senior vice president, international services. She will oversee the international services department, which handles import-export trade financing, correspondent banking relationships and bankers acceptance financing. Wu is a former California Bank & Trust vice president and manager.


* Professional services firm MarchFirst has named John Grotting executive creative director of the Chicago-based company’s Southwest region. He will be based in Santa Monica. A former vice president at Sapient, Grotting will be responsible for helping build the company’s broadband services.

* Acacia Research Corp. has named Robert L. “Chip” Harris president. A founder of Entertainment Properties Trust, Harris has been a director of the Pasadena-based technology and Internet company incubator since earlier this year.
