
What Anaheim Is Coming To

* Re “Reflections on Census Numbers,” letters, April 8:

It was interesting to note the different perceptions on the city of Anaheim and the 2000 census as reflected in the letter from Richard Chavez, vice president of the Central Labor Council of Orange County. On the one hand, Chavez’s perception is that the legal and illegal immigrant community in Anaheim has “improved the quality of life for all of Orange County’s citizens,” whereas on the other hand, Harald G. Martin of the Anaheim Police Department is quoted as saying that “Anaheim is becoming a Third World slum.” Alas, as the Bard once observed, “What’s in a name?” Obviously, cultural bias.



* Richard Chavez had decided to chastise me for my comments made during a minute interview on census data with a Times reporter. Unfortunately, after providing him with data and facts the only thing the reporter printed was a two-second sound bite regarding my belief that Anaheim is becoming a Third World slum.

Chavez is a good man and an asset to the community. Unfortunately, he has forgotten something. He has forgotten the pioneering work I did in the Jeffrey-Lynn and Leatrice-Wakefield neighborhoods, which helped lead the way to the improvements he now touts.


I worked two of the most gang-, drug- and crime-ridden areas in the county. I was the one who coaxed, pleaded and cajoled these folks to raise their standards and take part in fighting crime.

The only difference between Richard and me is the fact that as I walk our streets and see what is happening to our community, I refuse to be blinded, or silenced by political correctness.


