
Sheriff Is Under Gun


The Dodgers moved Tuesday to address the latest embarrassing incident involving embattled General Manager Kevin Malone, who was involved in an altercation with a fan in San Diego’s Qualcomm Stadium.

Chairman Bob Daly and President Bob Graziano spent much of the day in meetings at Dodger Stadium about the situation and spoke with Malone, who acknowledged he challenged San Diego Padre season-ticket holder Jim Esterbrooks to a fight during Saturday’s game.

For all the activity, the team took no action. Daly and Malone declined comment and the only statement was issued by Derrick Hall, senior vice president, who said, “We are discussing the matter internally. However, it would be inappropriate to share those discussions publicly.”


But team sources said Daly is “very upset” about the situation that has resulted in Malone being ridiculed nationally and stirred questions about the general manager’s status.

Malone had been scheduled to accompany the team to San Francisco for the final three games of a nine-game, 10-day trip, but changed his plans Tuesday morning in the wake of strong negative reaction to the incident, which escalated after Esterbrooks had derided Gary Sheffield because of the left fielder’s comments about his contract in spring training.

Given that Malone, who is in the third year of four-year contract (with club options for two years) that pays him $500,000 a year, is no stranger to controversy, many in the organization wonder whether this incident is the final straw.


“We have not made any determination about that,” Hall said. “Nor would we discuss personnel status publicly.”

Malone defended his actions in an interview Monday with The Times, saying, “Anyone who knows me knows I’m a passionate guy, I care about our players, and I’m going to defend them.”

He added that he did not “understand all this [interest] because the matter was dealt with in the first inning . . . and I was professional the whole time.”


Agent Scott Boras--who represents eight Dodgers signed for a total of $238.69 million--has remained supportive of Malone. Boras represents Sheffield; pitchers Kevin Brown, Darren Dreifort, Eric Gagne and Chan Ho Park; catchers Chad Kreuter and Angel Pena; and third baseman Adrian Beltre.

“Kevin has always been very passionate and committed to players he has on the team,” said Boras, who has counseled Malone. “He’s very emotional. . . . He’s not the type of general manager to sit up in the press box.

“True baseball people, in the heat of the moment, are going to defend their team. It’s comforting for Gary Sheffield, and other players, to know that their general manager is emotionally involved.”

But Boras conceded that Malone acted inappropriately: “From an organizational standpoint, you have to have concerns about your GM being in the stands and participating in a verbal diatribe with fans.”

Players also expressed concern.

“Being in the public eye, whether as a player or someone in a position in management, you’re always subjected to ridicule and criticism,” Eric Karros said. “In our position, you just have to deal with those situations appropriately.”

Sheffield said he appreciated Malone’s support.

“I’ve never doubted his support for me because he’s a believer [in Jesus Christ], and that’s why I’m kind of surprised [the incident occurred],” Sheffield said. “When you’re a believer, you don’t let a fan get you mad.


“I have to go through the same thing. We all have to go through something in life, that’s part of the game, and you hope you can restrain yourself the next time.”

The incident surprised outfielder Marquis Grissom, who has been close with Malone since their days in the Montreal Expo organization.

“It’s a little odd for a GM to have a confrontation with fans,” Grissom said. “I don’t think it should go that far, but I wasn’t there.

“Kevin has put a great product on the field. He should just let us go play to speak for him.”



John Hart and Billy Beane should be on the short list of possible replacements if Kevin Malone is fired. D7


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