
Ventura County Religion

The West Ventura County Handicapables will host a day of spiritual and social enrichment today at San Buenaventura Mission, 211 E. Main St., Ventura.

Registration and get-acquainted time are set for 11 a.m., followed by Mass at 11:30. A luncheon, with entertainment, will follow the service. People of all faiths are welcome. Call 452-4050 or 648-6686.

* Ventura Seventh-day Adventist Church holds a service at 10:45 a.m. each Saturday. A vegetarian potluck luncheon follows the service. Bible study for all ages begins at 9:30 a.m.


The church is at 6300 Telephone Road. Call 642-5387.

* Temple Ner Ami in Camarillo holds weekly Shabbat services at 7:30 p.m. Fridays.

On Sunday at 2 p.m., the temple will host a program in recognition of Yom Hashoah, Holocaust remembrance. The program will include an invocation by Rabbi Kenneth Milhander, plus proclamations by county officials, children’s readings and special prayers. Stanley Kohls will present a talk titled “Witnesses and Messengers.” Free.

The temple is at 4098 Calle Tesoro, Suite D. Call 388-3824.

* The Pleasant Valley Church of Religious Science Center for Positive Living will conclude its workshop “The Tree of Life” on Sunday. The workshop draws ideas from Carolyn Myss’ book “Anatomy of the Spirit.” $10. Hours: noon-2 p.m.

The church is at 221 Daily Drive, Suite 1. Registration, call 482-1948.

* The Rev. Irma Oestmann will deliver the message “Simplicity and Serenity” on Sunday at Unity Center Church in Thousand Oaks. The 10 a.m. service will include music by Mitzie Albert.


Children’s church is held during the service and child care is available. The nondenominational church meets at 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Call 496-6901.

* Gary Janka, Zen priest of the Peacemaker order, will deliver the message “Spiritual Foundations of Peacemaking” on Sunday at Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura.

Services will be at 9:15 and 11 a.m. Child care and religious education are available during the first service.


The church is at 4949 Foothill Road. Call 644-3898. Internet:

* Westminster Presbyterian Church in Westlake Village holds the following services and programs each Sunday: Worship at 9 and 10:30 a.m.; a celebration for children 3 years old through fourth grade at 9 a.m.; and Sunday school for ages 3 through adult at 10:30 a.m. Nursery care is provided during both worship services.

The church is at 32111 Watergate Road. Call 496-2394. Internet:

* The Rev. D. Paul Hickman will deliver the message “Christ the Waiter for Christians Who Wait” on Sunday at Thousand Oaks Baptist Church. The morning worship service begins at 10:45, followed by an evening service at 6.

Other programs include training hour, 5 p.m. Sunday; Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; prayer hour, 7 p.m. Wednesday.

The church is at 2685 Calle Abedul. Call 492-4224.

* Pastor Rob Calderhead will deliver the message “Blood, Sweat and Tears” on Sunday at United Methodist Church of Westlake Village.

An informal interactive service meets at 8 a.m. in Alton Hall; casual attire is encouraged. Traditional worship services are held at 9 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday school classes for all ages meet at 9 a.m. Infant and toddler care is provided during each service.


The church is at 1049 S. Westlake Blvd. Call 497-7884. Internet:

* The Rev. Bradley Resare will lead Sunday services at Simi Valley United Methodist Church.

Regular services are at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Mission Hispana Biblica worships in Spanish at 2 p.m., followed by fellowship in Witman Hall. Sunday school for children begins at 9 a.m. in the chapel. Youth Sunday school and adult classes begin at 9:10 a.m. Coffee fellowship begins at 10 a.m. in Witman Hall.

The church is at 2394 Erringer Road. Call 526-6231.

* The Rev. Scott Parker will deliver the sermon “Believing the New Reality” on Sunday at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Camarillo.

The message is based on the scripture John 20:19-31. There will be a celebration service at 8:30 a.m., followed by a traditional worship service at 10 a.m.

The church is at Las Posas Road and Antonio Avenue. Call 484-0530.

* Conejo Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will hold a youth service on Sunday. Teenagers will be invited to the pulpit to discuss their interests and concerns.

Services are held at the Goebel Senior Adult Center, 1385 E. Janss Road, Thousand Oaks. Call 492-8751.


* Pastor Tim Fearer will continue a Romans series Sunday with “Foundations of Freedom: Hope for the Struggling Christian” at Westminster Presbyterian Church of Hueneme. The worship service is at 10 a.m.

Nursery care is provided. Preschool children through fifth-graders are dismissed to Kids’ Church.

The church is at 755 Bard Road, Port Hueneme. Call 483-8610.

* St. Columba’s Episcopal Church in Camarillo will hold communion at 7:45 10 a.m. Sunday. Sunday school is also available at 10 a.m.

The church is at 1251 Las Posas Road. Call 482-8831.

* Our Saviour’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Oxnard will hold a 9:15 a.m. worship service each Sunday, led by Pastor Mary Ann Fiene. Child care is available. Sunday school for all ages is at 11 a.m.

On Wednesday, the alternative service “Gathered by Grace” will resume.

The church is at 905 Redwood St. Call 486-5383.

* Women are invited to attend the spring session of Life Design Ojai at Ojai Valley Community Church.

Life Design meets each Wednesday through May 23. The study topic is “Finding Freedom through Forgiveness,” written by Christine Wood.


In addition to the study, Life Design will offer a stretching exercise class, a book study class, cooking and entertaining class and a craft class.

Child care is available with preregistration. Cost is $25 for study book; electives are $15-$30. To register, call 649-3558 or 649-9494.

The church is at 907 El Centro St. For information, call 645-8182.

* GriefShare, a recovery seminar and support group, meets Mondays at 7 p.m. at Ventura Missionary Church.

The program features nationally recognized experts discussing grief and recovery topics. Sessions include “When Your Dreams Fall Apart,” “The Seasons of Grief,” “The Emotions of Grief,” “When Your Spouse Dies,” “Your Family and Grief” and “Growing Through Grief.” The sessions are free. An optional workbook is $15.

The church is at 500 High Point Drive. Call 642-0550.


Religion Briefs runs Saturdays. Please submit items at least a week in advance to Religion Briefs, Los Angeles Times, 93 S. Chestnut St., Ventura 93001. Items may be faxed to 653-7576.
