
Smart Music Money

It took only one visit to the 95th Street School in South-Central L.A. for community activist Ted Smith to become an advocate of the MIND (Music Intelligence Neural Development) Institute.

“I saw kids completely engaged in learning to read music and playing math games,” said Smith, who with his wife, Janice, welcomed about 50 community leaders into their Laguna Beach home on Sunday to introduce them to Gordon Shaw, a professor emeritus of physics at UC Irvine and founder of the Irvine-based institute that is changing the way children learn math and science concepts.

Typically, schools teach math with a language-based system based on equations, word problems and symbols. Said Shaw: “We help them visualize the process.”


The goal of MIND’s inaugural social event: to encourage individual donations of at least $5,000 to the institute, which has already gained significant support from corporations, including $500,000 from Texaco. Also supporting Shaw’s work: Broadcom founder Henry Samueli and his wife, Susan, who are giving $500,000. Information: (949) 475-0492.
