

TODAY-MAY 20 / Showcase House

Pasadena Showcase House of Design continues through May 20, except Mondays.

Location: Shuttle and free parking at the Rose Bowl.

Time: 9:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Cost: $25, prime time; $20, weekday afternoons.

Information: (626) 792-4661.

FRIDAY-MAY 6 / Tooling Around

The Greater Los Angeles Woodworking Show will feature demonstrations and sales of machinery, power and hand tools and supplies. There also will be workshops and seminars for woodworking enthusiasts, home builders, remodelers, wood-turners and wood carvers.

Location: Orange County Fairgrounds, 88 Fair Drive, Building 10, Costa Mesa.

Time: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Cost: $9, adults; free, children 12 and under.

Information: (800) 826-8257.

SATURDAY / Stroll Through History

The Claremont Heritage Village Walking Tour includes homes of historic interest.

Location: Starts in front of historic Claremont Metrolink Depot, 200 W. 1st St.

Time: 10 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

Cost: $5.

Information: (909) 621-0848; reservations recommended.

SATURDAY/ Big Night Out

AIDS Service Center will hold its fourth annual Big Night Out, featuring a kickoff party followed by more than 20 dinner parties in some of the Pasadena area’s most distinguished and historic homes. The kickoff party will be held at the Healy Manor, an English Country estate with a two-story, 5,300-square-foot Tudor built in 1923.

Location: Announced with ticket purchase.

Time: 5 p.m. kickoff party.

Cost: $200, with dinner party of choice, or $150; reservations required.

Information: Suren Seropian, AIDS Service Center, (626) 441-8495, Ext. 244.

SATURDAY AND MAY 12 / Appraising Appraisals

Cal State Northridge Extension will present a one-day real estate program on “Appraisal Report Writing.”


Location: Cal State Northridge campus, 18111 Nordhoff St.

Time: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Cost: $145.

Information: (818) 677-4607.

MAY 6 / Occidental’s Neighbors

“Eclectic Eagle Rock,” a self-guided walking tour of the Occidental College neighborhood, will feature a book signing by authors Robert Winter and Nancy Dustin Wall Moure at the student bookstore at the Johnson Student Center, 1600 Campus Road. Winter is editor of “Toward a Simpler Way of Life: Arts and Crafts Architects of California” and author of “American Bungalow Style.” Moure wrote “California Art: 450 Years.”

Location: The walking tour starts at the Hillside Theater at Occidental College.

Time: Tour, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; book signing, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Cost: $12 in advance, $15 at the door; tickets can be purchased in advance at Beaujolais Boulangerie, 1661 Colorado Blvd., (323) 255-5133.

Information: Tracy King, (626) 844-2256.


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