

Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden in Claremont needs volunteers to lead tours for adults and children, help maintain its 86-acre collection of native plants, assist with special events and more. Training runs on Friday mornings from Sept. 7 to Oct. 19. Information: Brenda Bolinger, (909) 625-8767, Ext. 256.

* Braille Institute in Los Angeles needs volunteers over age 16 for its Braille press department to ship books to blind and visually impaired children and label and collate materials. Training is provided. Information: Carlye Rudkin, (323) 663-1111, Ext. 3160.

* Operation Read, a reading initiative for delinquent, abused or neglected children in the care of Los Angeles County, needs tutors at Camp Scott and Camp Scudder in Saugus to help youths improve their reading skills. Information (661) 296-8500.


* California Family Health Council in Los Angeles needs volunteers for its speakers bureau to give talks to community groups about family planning, teenage sexuality, birth control and sexually transmitted diseases. Information (213) 368-4401.

* St. Vincent Meals on Wheels in Los Angeles needs volunteers to deliver meals or help in the kitchen or office. Information: Carol Martinez (213) 484-7494.

* Burbank Home Delivered Meals Program needs drivers to deliverw meals weekdays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Information: Dee Call, (818) 238-5370.


* Executive Service Corps of Southern California in Los Angeles needs retired or semiretired executives or professionals to provide management consulting and technical assistance to nonprofit agencies. Training is provided. Information: (213) 381-2891.

* California Coastal Commission needs volunteers for its 17th annual Coastal Cleanup Day on Sept. 15 from 9 a.m. to noon at more than 400 California beaches, neighborhoods and inland waterways. Information: (800) COAST-4U.


Information for this column should be submitted typed to Involvement Opportunities, SoCal Living, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012.
