
Tax Whiners

If I read one more letter from another taxpayer complaining about this year’s tax rebate, I am going to scream! The excuses I’ve seen printed from those who obviously prefer a tax-and-spend type government continue to boggle the mind. How many people actually believe even a small minority of these whiners put their money where their mouths are?

So, here’s a suggestion to all of my left-wing friends outraged over the current tax rebate program. When you finally get that dreaded rebate check in the mail, please don’t write another whining letter to The Times telling us you can’t figure out how to spend the money. Simply sign your rebate check over to the United States Treasury with instructions to apply the money toward the national debt. Your conscience will be clear, our debt load will be just a teeny bit smaller and my sanity will remain intact.

Leonard Penzo

Chino Hills
